Aligning Marketing and Enrollment Teams for Maximum Impact

Bart Caylor
7 min readOct 4, 2024


Co-workers looking at laptop together
image by LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS via Adobe Stock

Aligning marketing and enrollment teams in your institution might seem like an impossible task.

Marketing and enrollment teams can often seem like they’re working on two different planets!

Marketers focus on branding, content, and outreach, while admissions is all about converting those efforts into actual student enrollments.

The result?

Silos that make it tough to move the needle on enrollment in any meaningful way.

But when marketing and enrollment join forces, amazing things can happen.

We’ve seen firsthand how collaboration at the University of Kentucky led to big wins.

Since then, the landscape has only become more challenging and competitive, making the need for alignment between these teams even more urgent.

In this post, we’ll take it a step further — exploring not just how marketing and admissions can work together, but how they can truly align their strategies, tools, and goals to achieve better results.

Whether you’re facing shrinking budgets, enrollment declines, or the pressure to deliver more with less, the key to success is closer collaboration between your enrollment and marketing teams.

Let’s dive into some fresh strategies to get there.

The Case for Aligning Marketing and Enrollment Teams

In today’s higher ed world, the need for collaboration between marketing and enrollment is more critical than ever.

With increasing pressure on enrollment numbers and shrinking budgets, no one can afford to operate in silos.

When marketing and admissions align, they can create a unified, powerful strategy that moves prospective students through the funnel efficiently, boosting both leads and conversions.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the landscape has evolved dramatically.

This global crisis accelerated the digital shift. As a result, institutions must rethink how they engage students.

Personalized communication is no longer a “nice-to-have” — it’s an expectation.

Prospective students expect content that speaks directly to them, delivered at the right time in their decision-making process.

This means marketing and enrollment teams must work hand-in-hand to ensure their messaging is aligned, their data is shared, and their strategies are centered around the student experience.

It’s about more than just collaborating; it’s about adapting together to a rapidly changing environment.

Aligning Goals and Metrics from the Start

To get real results, both marketing and enrollment teams need to be on the same page from day one.

This starts with creating shared goals and metrics that everyone can rally behind.

It’s not enough for marketing to focus on impressions and clicks while enrollment looks at applications and deposits — those metrics are connected.

By developing SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely) together, both teams can track the full journey of a prospective student.

Whether it’s boosting the number of completed applications or improving email open rates, setting clear, shared KPIs gives both teams something to work toward together.

One of the best ways to establish these goals is through regular joint planning sessions.

This is where the magic happens — when marketing and admissions sit down together to brainstorm, review the data, and agree on strategies that’ll drive both engagement and conversions.

Building Cross-Functional Teams

One of the biggest challenges in higher ed is the traditional silo structure, where marketing and enrollment teams work separately, rarely sharing insights or collaborating on strategy.

But in today’s marketing environment where students expect seamless customer experiences, this approach just doesn’t cut it anymore.

To truly move the needle on enrollment, you have to break down those walls.

One of the best ways to do this is by creating cross-functional teams or task forces that bring people from both sides together.

Whether it’s a monthly meeting or a dedicated project team, these collaborations can help marketing better understand the enrollment process, while admissions gets a clearer picture of the prospect journey before they enter the funnel.

When everyone’s in the same room (or Zoom!), you can start seeing how your individual efforts are part of a bigger picture.

To really take it to the next level, both teams need to invest in cross-training.

I’m not saying everyone has to become a data whiz, but understanding the basics of each other’s tools — like CRM platforms, Google Analytics, or email automation software — can go a long way.

Imagine what it would be like if your admissions folks had a grip on digital marketing metrics, and your marketers understood the finer points of the enrollment funnel.

It’s powerful stuff.

You can even take it a step further by encouraging rotational roles or shadowing opportunities, where team members spend time in each other’s shoes.

This fosters empathy, strengthens collaboration, and ensures that both teams are pulling in the same direction.

Emphasize the Prospect-Centered Experience

At the core of any successful enrollment strategy is understanding the prospective student’s journey from start to finish.

This is where aligning marketing and enrollment teams is essential: working together to map out each step of the process — from that first point of exposure to the moment a student enrolls.

By co-developing a journey map, both teams can ensure they’re speaking to prospects at the right time, with the right message.

It’s all about coordinated communication — marketing’s lead nurturing efforts need to complement enrollment’s recruitment strategy, so there’s a seamless flow of information that moves prospects through the funnel.

And in today’s digital world, personalization is key.

Using data and automation tools, both teams can work together to deliver tailored content that speaks directly to individual students, driving engagement and, ultimately, increasing conversions.

Data-Driven Decision Making as a Unifier

Data doesn’t just tell you what’s happening — it shows you where to go next.

That’s why regular joint data reviews are crucial for keeping marketing and enrollment teams aligned.

By sitting down together and looking at the same set of numbers, both teams can see what’s working and where things need to shift.

Maybe the website traffic is up, but conversions are lagging, or perhaps there’s a spike in interest from a certain demographic that hasn’t been fully tapped.

When both teams are sharing insights from the data, they can adjust strategies on the fly to keep moving prospects through the funnel.

And with new tools like predictive analytics and AI-driven models, it’s easier than ever to stay ahead of the curve.

Whether it’s tracking enrollment trends or using CRM data to craft more personalized marketing campaigns, a data-driven approach ensures both teams are working smarter, not harder, to hit their goals.

Leveraging External and Internal Partnerships

Collaboration doesn’t stop at the doors of the enrollment or marketing offices.

To truly create a dynamic strategy, you’ve got to bring in other key players — especially academic departments.

Faculty can be powerful allies in the recruitment process.

They’re the ones who can connect with prospective students on an academic level, offering insights into the programs and opportunities that make your institution stand out.

Creating working groups that involve faculty from high-interest departments can add depth to your recruitment efforts and even help with retention once students are enrolled.

But don’t forget about external partners, either.

Whether it’s a digital marketing agency like Caylor Solutions or a data analytics firm that can uncover new trends, these partnerships can bring fresh ideas and advanced tools to the table, helping both marketing and enrollment teams work together.

The more perspectives you bring in, the stronger your overall strategy will be.

Sustaining the Relationship: The Role of Leadership and Communication

Sustaining collaboration between marketing and enrollment isn’t a one-time effort — it’s something that requires ongoing attention from leadership.

Transparent communication is key.

Leaders need to create regular touchpoints where both teams can openly discuss progress, challenges, and ideas for improvement.

It’s about fostering a culture where marketing and enrollment are seen as partners, not separate entities, and that starts at the top.

Team-building activities, whether they’re formal workshops or informal social events, can go a long way in strengthening relationships and building trust.

For aligning marketing and enrollment teams, I also recommend the use of shared project management tools.

When both teams are using the same platforms to track progress and manage tasks, it’s easier to stay aligned and ensure nothing falls through the cracks.

Ultimately, leadership should create an environment where accountability is shared — where marketing and enrollment are equally responsible for reaching those key enrollment goals.

When both teams know they’re in it together, that’s when the real progress happens.

Elevate Your Enrollment Strategy

Looking to enhance your marketing strategy, student recruitment, or branding efforts?

Caylor Solutions offers comprehensive consulting services, including fractional CMO roles, ideation help, and monthly coaching designed to help your team thrive.

Whether you’re seeking expert guidance in applying practical AI solutions or improving your CRM systems (like Slate and Element451), we provide tailored consulting to meet your institution’s unique needs.

Ready to take your strategies to the next level?

Contact us today to explore how our consulting services can boost your results.

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Featured image by LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS via Adobe Stock

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Bart Caylor

President & Founder Caylor Solutions Husband. Dad. Learner. Thinker. Branding, Marketing, Problem Solver for Education. Apostle's Creed. #highered #marketing