How to Create Digital Watering Holes on Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, and ZeeMee

Bart Caylor
7 min readSep 20, 2024


Group of students hanging out, using their phones
image by Alessandro Biascioli via Adobe Stock

Engaging Gen Z and Gen Alpha in today’s higher education landscape requires creating digital watering holes where students feel connected.

Unfortunately, traditional marketing strategies do not fully capture the attention of these digitally native generations as in the past.

Young generations like Gen Z expect authentic, interactive, and real-time engagement.

A great way to do this is by creating community hubs where students can interact with your brand and the community within your campus.

Platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, and ZeeMee can help you disperse quality community content that draws in these digital natives.

What’s more, these platforms are popular! As social platforms dominate how younger generations communicate, universities need to embrace these spaces to stay relevant.

They serve as the digital watering holes you need to give prospective students a real sense of what campus life looks like while enabling them to connect with their peers.

Gone are the days when a prospective student would rely solely on campus tours and brochures. Now, decisions are greatly influenced by virtual communities.

It’s time to start integrating these platforms into our marketing strategies!

Integrating Digital Watering Holes into the Larger Enrollment Strategy

Think of these digital watering holes as more than just virtual hangouts — they’re gateways to deeper, actionable student engagement.

The goal is to make it effortless for students to interact with your university in meaningful ways!

One of the most effective ways to integrate this is by making the application process seamless.

On platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok, you can embed links directly into your stories, posts, or profiles, which allow prospective students to swipe up or click through to critical pages — be it application forms, financial aid resources, or even virtual tours.

For instance, you could include a direct link to the application form right after a virtual tour highlight reel on TikTok.

This way, students can act on their excitement in the moment, without being bogged down by having to navigate an entire website.

Another key strategy is using data-driven, targeted ads.

Platforms like TikTok and Instagram offer sophisticated tools for targeting based on user engagement and interests.

This allows you to serve personalized ads to students who have already shown interest in your institution — whether through likes, comments, or interaction with your content.

If a student engages frequently with your business school content, you can show them targeted ads featuring scholarship opportunities for that specific program, or deadlines tailored to their region.

Personalized communication takes things a step further by offering a one-on-one connection.

When students comment with questions, answer quickly. Give them personal touchpoints and provide tailored advice to make the prospective student feel valued.

For example, if a student asks about campus housing, you can send them a link to a virtual housing tour or a guide to the dorm selection process.

This individualized attention can be the tipping point that solidifies their decision to apply.

By weaving these elements — seamless transitions, targeted ads, and personal connections — into your digital watering holes, you can create a cohesive, student-centered experience!

Key Platforms and Best Practices for Engagement

What platforms should you be using, and how can you get the most out of them? Check out our list:


This is a platform built for visual storytelling. Universities can leverage it to create authentic and engaging content that appeals to prospective students. The platform’s focus on images and videos makes it the perfect space to show off the campus, share success stories, and highlight student experiences.

Best Practices for Engagement on Instagram

  • Instagram Stories and Polls: Use stories to post quick updates or behind-the-scenes content. Polls and Q&A features invite students to engage directly with your posts. Hosting student-led Instagram takeovers can also offer a peer-to-peer glimpse into campus life.
  • Branded Hashtags: Encourage students to post using a specific hashtag, such as #LifeAt[YourUniversity], making it easy to curate and share user-generated content.
  • Student Spotlights: Feature profiles of current students or alumni sharing why they chose your university. This builds a connection and showcases your university’s culture.


Ideal for creating in-the-moment, disappearing content, this platform resonates well with students looking for authentic, unfiltered experiences. Higher ed marketers can also take advantage of Snapchat’s real-time communication and location-based tools.

Best Practices for Engagement on Snapchat

  • Geofilters for Campus Events: Create custom filters for university events like orientation, graduation, or sports games. Students love sharing event experiences, and branded filters keep your university top-of-mind.
  • Snap Maps: Use Snap Maps to highlight campus events happening in real-time, encouraging students to explore and connect with one another.
  • Exclusive Content: Offer behind-the-scenes tours of campus buildings or exclusive Q&A sessions with admissions officers to engage prospective students who are unable to visit in person.


This short-form video format allows for highly creative, fast-paced content that can go viral quickly. This is a space where universities can show their fun, informal side while still delivering key marketing messages.

Best Practices for Engagement on TikTok

  • Join Trends: Follow TikTok trends, using popular challenges or sounds to create videos that feel relevant and engaging. Use campus highlights, quirky facts about university life, or quick student tips for success in these formats.
  • Influencer Partnerships: Collaborate with student influencers who have built their own followings on TikTok.
  • Create Campus Challenges: Create challenges that involve students, such as “Why I Chose [Your University]” or “Day in the Life of a Student at [Your University].” Encouraging students to participate strengthens the community feel on TikTok.


ZeeMee is specifically designed for prospective students to connect with universities and their future peers. Unlike general social platforms, ZeeMee offers a more direct path to building relationships with students even before they have committed to your institution.

Best Practices for Engagement on ZeeMee

  • Nonstop Student Chat: Create custom chat channels for prospective, admitted, and enrolled students. Whether it’s based on academic programs, clubs, or residence halls, these channels provide spaces for students to engage with each other, fostering early connections within your community.
  • Live Virtual Events: Host dynamic live events in ZeeMee’s virtual worlds, offering fun, interactive alternatives to traditional Zoom meetings. Students already active in ZeeMee can easily join, keeping engagement high without needing special invitations.
  • Roommate Match Quiz: Help admitted students connect through ZeeMee’s Roommate Match Quiz and Friend Finder tools, enabling them to form early friendships based on shared interests and easing the transition into campus life.

According to Tyler Groepper, VP of Sales at ZeeMee…

“If tapped correctly, digital watering holes can be pools of rich data on prospective students, and by passing that data back into their CRM, it gives schools the opportunity to create even more interested and sticky students.”

Use these platforms to your advantage!

Within each of them you can create digital watering holes that attract mission-fit students through community-oriented content.

Tips to Create Community-Oriented Content

If you want to create content that resonates with a community of people, you need to know your audience deeply.

Here are a few questions to help you dive deeper and create content that truly connects:

  • What are the biggest challenges your prospective students face? Identifying pain points can help you create content that addresses their concerns, whether it’s about campus life, academic pressure, or the application process.
  • What are your students’ aspirations and goals? Understanding what students aim to achieve, whether it’s personal growth, career advancement, or a vibrant campus experience, allows you to align your content with their ambitions.
  • How do your mission-fit students prefer to consume content? Are they more inclined to engage with short-form videos, long-form blogs, or social media stories? Knowing their content consumption habits ensures you’re delivering the right message in the right format.
  • What do your current students and alumni say about your institution? Gathering authentic feedback from current students and alumni can guide your messaging, allowing you to highlight what resonates most with your audience and attract mission-fit students.

By answering these questions, you’ll have a solid foundation to craft community-driven content that engages your audience!

Need Help?

If you’re looking to create thriving digital watering holes that truly resonate with your prospective and current students, Caylor Solutions can help.

With our expertise in higher education marketing, we can guide you through building a strategy that leverages the power of platforms like Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, and ZeeMee to strengthen connections and boost enrollment.

Ready to take the next step in fostering a vibrant digital community? Let’s chat!

Want to Improve Your Digital Marketing Results?

Then you’ve got to know how to write for the web. That’s why we want to send you our popular ebook: Writing for the Web: 7 Secrets to Content Marketing Success for Education Marketers!

With this helpful resource, you’ll learn how to:

  • Grab your reader’s attention immediately
  • Pull your reader’s attention deeper into your content
  • Write so that Google (and other search engines) find you easily
  • Increase your website’s conversion rates

In short, you’ll be able to write the copy that makes your digital marketing strategy work for you. Download your copy today!

Featured image by Alessandro Biascioli via Adobe Stock

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Bart Caylor

President & Founder Caylor Solutions Husband. Dad. Learner. Thinker. Branding, Marketing, Problem Solver for Education. Apostle's Creed. #highered #marketing