Top 7 Social Media Strategies for Higher Education for Gen Z

Bart Caylor
6 min read2 days ago


woman looking at screen with social media icons
image by Gorodenkoff via Adobe Stock

If you’re still using the same social media strategies from a few years ago, it’s time for a refresh.

In today’s digital world, it’s not enough to simply “be on social media.”

Platforms are changing, algorithms are shifting, and attention spans are shrinking.

Let’s explore the top 7 social media strategies for higher education in 2024 to help you stay relevant, engage your audience, and ultimately boost enrollment.

1. Boost Brand Awareness Through Authenticity

Gen Z students — and the generation to follow, Gen Alpha — are looking for something genuine, not another polished advertisement.

They want to see behind-the-scenes content, hear stories from real students, and get a feel for what life is truly like at your school.

Authenticity should be on the top of the list in your social media strategies as so many platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels have made it easier than ever to share unfiltered, real-time content.

Before you post, ask yourself: Is this content authentic? Does it show the real essence of our institution?

A simple campus tour from a student’s perspective or an authentic conversation with a professor can do wonders for building trust.

To raise brand awareness in today’s social media landscape:

  • Share personal, unpolished stories that highlight your institution’s unique culture.
  • Use real students as ambassadors to create relatable content.
  • Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable — showing the ups and downs of student life can resonate deeply with prospective students.

2. Cultivate Communities with Niche Platforms

Facebook groups and Instagram are great — and I certainly recommend that you have them!

But have you explored newer, more niche platforms (what I call “watering holes”)?

Students are gathering in different spaces today, like Discord servers or Reddit communities, to discuss everything from majors to campus life.

These platforms give you an opportunity to foster tight-knit communities around specific programs or interests that align with your institution.

For example, if your school offers a unique environmental studies program, consider starting a Discord server for conservation enthusiasts.

Or if you have a strong alumni network, use LinkedIn to create professional groups where graduates can connect and support one another.

The more specialized your community, the more engaged and loyal your members will be.

3. Move Beyond Recruitment: Focus on Retention and Alumni Engagement

While recruiting new students is critical, don’t overlook the importance of retention and alumni engagement.

Social media gives you the power to build lasting relationships with current students and graduates.

Platforms like LinkedIn are perfect for nurturing alumni networks, offering them a space to connect, mentor, and even recruit from your current student body.

Here’s how to expand your social media efforts:

  • Use social media to keep current students engaged through community-building content, announcements, and student spotlights.
  • Strengthen your alumni connections by sharing success stories, hosting virtual events, and creating alumni-specific content on LinkedIn.

4. Social Listening and Sentiment Analysis

Do you know what your prospective students are saying about your school online?

Today, social listening tools like these ones are more powerful than ever, allowing you to track and analyze conversations happening about your institution across platforms.

This gives you a real-time pulse on how students, families, and alumni perceive your brand.

Without this social “intelligence,” it’s more likely that your current social media strategies will die out as you miss out on the relationship opportunities dying on the vine.

By using social listening and sentiment analysis, you can:

  • Address concerns or misinformation before they snowball into bigger issues.
  • Highlight positive feedback and use it as part of your recruitment strategy.
  • Adjust your messaging based on audience sentiment to stay in tune with their needs.

5. Prioritize Customer Service on the Right Platforms

Today, students expect instant responses.

Whether they’re asking about application deadlines or need help navigating your website, quick, responsive customer service is crucial.

While platforms like Twitter are still useful for this, it may be time to broaden your approach.

Instagram DMs and even WhatsApp have become popular channels for students to ask questions and receive support.

The key here is to provide customer service on the platforms your audience is using most.

Automating simple responses through chatbots is a great way to handle frequently asked questions, but don’t lose the human touch.

When prospective students feel heard and cared for, it makes a world of difference.

6. Smart Advertising with AI-Powered Targeting

If you’re not using AI-powered targeting in your social media ads yet, you’re missing out.

AI can help you identify the right audiences and deliver personalized content in ways that traditional targeting methods just can’t match in your social media strategies.

The precision of AI ensures that your ads are not just seen but are seen by the right people, increasing your chances of converting prospective students into applicants.

To get the most out of your social media advertising:

  • Utilize AI tools to target specific demographics and behaviors, ensuring your ads reach students who are more likely to engage.
  • Incorporate influencer marketing to reach new audiences and tap into trusted voices that students already follow.

7. Data-Driven Insights and Real-Time Metrics

Social media platforms provide a wealth of data, but are you using it effectively?

Today, it’s not just about collecting data — it’s about acting on it in real time.

Track what’s working and what’s not, and tweak your strategies as you go.

Platforms like Sprout Social and Hootsuite give you the tools to analyze your performance and make adjustments quickly.

Remember to measure your results based on your objectives.

If your goal is to increase engagement, look at metrics like shares, comments, and community growth.

If your goal is recruitment, track click-through rates to your admissions page and the number of inquiries generated through social media.

The Future of Social Media Strategies for Higher Education

The world of social media is constantly evolving, and so should your strategy.

By embracing authenticity, creating niche communities, leveraging AI for smarter targeting, and using real-time data to adjust your approach, you’ll not only stay relevant but also thrive in today’s ever changing social media landscape.

Social media isn’t just about posting content.

It’s about building relationships, fostering engagement, and turning prospects into lifelong advocates for your institution.

If you’re ready to elevate your social media strategy, don’t wait!

At Caylor Solutions, we can help you modernize your social media strategies to get the results that you need for your enrollment marketing.

With our social media strategy, planning, and management services, we can help you identify your greatest opportunities and your biggest obstacles to success on social media.

Based on a careful social media audit and talks with your key marketing leaders, we can craft a social media strategy that is sure to move you towards your goals.

Need even more help? We can help you get the ball rolling as your external marketing team by crafting, posting, and monitoring your social media campaigns.


Contact us today to learn more about how you can boost the results of your social media strategies with Caylor Solutions.

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Featured image by Gorodenkoff via Adobe Stock

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Bart Caylor

President & Founder Caylor Solutions Husband. Dad. Learner. Thinker. Branding, Marketing, Problem Solver for Education. Apostle's Creed. #highered #marketing